Nummular Dermatitis (Body Dermatitis, Nummular Eczema)

Serving Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Grimsby and surrounding areas

Numular Dermatitis:

General Recommendations:

  • Put a humidifier in the bedroom, especially in the winter
  • Use lukewarm water to bathe, hot water will dry out your skin
  • Rinse your laundry twice to remove detergent residue
  • Wear cotton clothes
  • Avoid wool as it irritates sensitive skin


  • Avoid harsh “anti-bacterial” soaps
  • A variety of creams, pills and other treatment options are available
  • Please, talk to your doctor about your treatment options

What if you are interested to learn more?

If you would like to learn more please phone the aesthetic centre directly at (905) 549-7873 to book a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable technicians or

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