Becker’s Nevus (Becker’s melanosis, Becker’s pigmentary hamartoma, Nevoid melanosis Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus)
Becker’s Nevus:
- Is also known by the names:
- Becker’s melanosis
- Becker’s pigmentary hamartoma
- Nevoid melanosis
- Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus
- Usually affects 1 in 200 young men, and is sometimes seen in young women
- Usually appears around the age of 12 to 14
- Is usually located on a shoulder, the side of the chest or the upper back
- Sometimes may consist of a flat brown patch anywhere from 5 cm to 25 cm in diameter and usually increases slowly in size
- Often has an increased number of dark hairs in it, compared with the surrounding skin
- Is of unknown cause, but 25% of cases are triggered by a sunburn
- Is benign – not malignant or cancerous
- It is extremely rare for skin cancer to develop within a Becker’s nevus, but it is still important to notify your doctor of any changes in size, shape or colour of the lesion
- As Becker’s nevus is considered a benign lesion, treatment is generally not necessary except for cosmetic purposes
- Shaving or trimming can be effective in removing unwanted hair
Which aesthetic procedures can be used for a Becker’s Nevus?
- Laser Hair Removal
- All skin colours can be treated
- Laser hair removal is very effective to remove and reduce the hair within the lesion
- A different laser is required to remove the brown skin discoloration
- The brown discolouration is much more difficult to remove, and frequently recurs after laser treatment
- Almost any area with unwanted hair can be treated including:
- Face
- Underarms
- Bikini
- Arms and Legs
- Chest and Back
- To learn more about Laser Hair Removal, please click here
When can I start having treatments?
- Today!
- For your convenience, the services above are available in my office
Becker’s Nevus – Shoulder
Becker’s Nevus – Shoulder
Becker’s Nevus – Chest
What if you are interested to learn more?
If you would like to learn more please phone the aesthetic centre directly at (905) 549-7873 to book a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable technicians or