Cold Sore (Herpes Labialis, Herpes Simplex, Fever Blister)

Serving Hamilton, Stoney Creek, Grimsby and surrounding areas

Herpes Simplex (HSV):

  • Is a virus
    • When it affects the lip it is commonly known as a “cold sore”
  • Is a common viral infection
  • 90% of the population has been infected with this virus
  • Infection in most people occurs in childhood
  • Once you are infected, the virus remains dormant in your body forever
  • Intermittently the virus will be active and produce a lesion (cold sore)
  • There are two types of herpes virus
    • Most lip lesions are caused by Herpes Simplex type 1, and most genital lesions are caused by Herpes Simplex type 2
  • Is highly contagious, especially when there is an open sore on the skin
  • Transmission of the herpes simplex virus can occur from an infected person, even when there are no open sores visible
  • Some people will experience symptoms of tingling, numbness, burning or itching in the affected area prior to an outbreak
  • Outbreaks may be triggered by stress, menstruation, fatigue or sun exposure
  • Outbreaks will frequently occur with no obvious trigger
  • Do not share lip stick, lip gloss and other lip products or make up between friends or family members
    • It is possible to transmit the virus to another person, even if an active cold sore is not present
  • Sun is a common trigger for cold sores
    • I recommend using sunscreen to protect the lips, and to help prevent herpes outbreaks
  • A variety of oral anti-viral medications are available
    • Please discuss your treatment options with your doctor

What if you are interested to learn more?

If you would like to learn more please phone the aesthetic centre directly at (905) 549-7873 to book a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable technicians or

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